January 2, 2019 | Pain
By, Lauraine Kanders, ANP, ACNP-BC
You don’t like the way they make you feel. You are worried that you will become addicted. Maybe you are being given pain meds that are not helping you because your doctor will no longer give you an opioid. Regardless, you are looking for a safer, more effective way to relieve your pain.
Opioid abuse is a very real concern and your feelings are legitimate. Withdrawal from opioid abuse is really hard, and makes one experience untoward effects like constant nausea and pounding headaches. This harsh reality is frightening. Luckily there are some other choices.
You can qualify for Medical Marijuana if you are on an opioid or have pain severe enough for one. Many patients have been able to wean themselves off opioid pain killers with medical cannabis under my direction. They are living happier lives and are able to enjoy many of the things they used to. They do not complain of nasty side effects that opioids and harsh pain meds bring. Instead, they are delighted with the outcome.
The notification by the DOH in NY allows for the use of Medical Marijuana in all conditions where opioids were formerly prescribed. While MMJ treatment was previously allowed for patients with chronic pain and neuropathy, patients of the following conditions can now benefit from this new qualification:
· Acute Pain
· Persistent Muscle Spasms
· Opioid use Disorder
· Post-Operative Pain Management
The use of Medical Marijuana for pain-relief after surgery will help patients to avoid being addicted to opioid. This is good news. Many of the patients who ultimately became addicted started this way. The cycle must break.
Opioid dependence and overdose has become such a serious issue that NYS felt obligated to provide their residents this choice. Patients who need opioids can safely also use Medical Marijuana on a concurrent basis, if need be; meaning that both of these pain-relievers can be taken together. The use of MMJ and opioids together has been researched upon before and results found out that the impact of opioids can be enhanced by taking them in tandem with MMJ. The use of both MMJ and opioids together would help benefit patients that were addicted to more than 20-30 tablets of the drug daily, as they would now be able significant decrease their tablet count. But, yes, there are some that want to get rid of the opioids all together and have successfully done so with medical marijuana under my direction. You can too!
Please contact me to discuss replacing opioids to treat your pain. You will be pleasantly surprised at how effective medical marijuana can be in the treatment of pain and how affordable it can be. I provide online medical certifications for people across New York at Medical Marijuana Recs – NY. You can get in touch with me at info@mmr-ny.com, to know more about the procedure for getting a MMJ certificate in NY. Same day appointments possible!